Sunday, March 31, 2013

Inspired by spring :)

I was inspired by spring, and flowers and trees that are blooming all around us, so I decided to do this flower design nails.
Hope you like it! :)

First I'll show you how to do cherry tree design.

Apply one coat of white nail polish. If you want you can tap in a little bit of soft pink nail polish on top of the nail using sponge.

Draw branches using brown nail polish.

Draw flowers using pink nail polish.

And this is the final result! :)

Now I'm gonna show you how to do random flower design.
You can use any colours you want. I used black, light blue, red, pink and green.

Apply one coat of black nail polish.

Draw one flower using red nail polish.

Then draw two flowers using blue nail polish.

Next, draw two flowers using pink nail polish. You can also add some small dots around the flowers.

Finally, draw some leaves using green nail polish.

And that's it! :)

Friday, March 29, 2013

For starters.. :)

So, I've decided to start this blog about nails, nail art and nail design. There's gonna be pictures and instructions on how to nail your manicure! :)
I'll try to post as often as I can.
For starters here's some of my previous amateur work...
Enjoy! :)

                            This one is not so good :S but it's on the right hand, so try to understand :)

That's it! Hope you like it! :)